Dear Supporters,

We would like to thank the more than 500 people who signed our petition and the 90+ others who called or emailed the City Council over the last few days. We would also like to especially thank all those who came to the five hour City Council meeting last night! Your support was greatly appreciated since the room was filled with Park Villa supporters, too. In a 3:2 vote, our City Council approved the Park Villas project and their 70 condos at the entrance to our park.

The majority of the developer’s speakers were paid, had ties to development, or were businesses who thought they would profit from more housing. Our speakers were a cross-section of the people of Oceanside speaking from the heart about why they supported the existing plan and thought this project was not good for our community.

Our mission is to support the implementation of the El Corazon Specific Plan as stewards of the park. And that is what we will continue working toward with your help!

El Corazon- a park in the heart of Oceanside!

Friends of El Corazon